Friday, September 28

update on lesvos and finals

so apparently i do have internet access on lesvos, in the rooms in fact and wireless.

finished one of my finals, the art and archaeology one. easy. forgot two things. oops. oh well. A here i come.


alex Boies said...

October 1st -
Hey Kid! I can't believe I just walked in the door at 12:30 p.m. today... back home! Your ma and I got along famously and in fact created a little fame of our own. We LOVED Santorini and happily tolerated Mykonos. I sure hope you get a chance to see Santorini someday. It is absolutely breathtaking. Just amazing.

Some sad news... Merle had to put Hairy down last Friday, and I've been walking around with a horrible feeling because I wasn't there to hold his paw(not Merle's), but when the Vet saw Hairy... he said Hairy had lost a lot more weight and just didn't have any spunk. It broke Merle's heart, and I was sorry not to be there with him to help and support. I'm going to toss out his stuff when I'm done with this note. It's really hard to do. I have a feeling you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Gosh we had fun seeing you though! It was so much fun. Only one bad thing happened and that is that I erased the REALLY CUTE pictures that I had taken of you and Jan by mistake... because I didn't know how the darned camera worked. I am just sick about that. When you come home, you'll have to let me take some more of the two of you!

Mats! good work on the A-. You are just teeming with smarts! What I love about it is that you have such a wonderful passion for learning! It comes so easy for you. Great work. I think you are an absolute winner and I am so happy that you are having fun and exploring new adventures. AND, I hope you have gotten over your illness from the other day.

Trip home was uneventful and now it's back to creating our own home realities.

Love you lots Mats! So good to see you. xoxoxo, a

alex Boies said...

Mats - check out this web site. I think (hope) you'll love it!

xo, a

Anonymous said...

Hi honey -- it's about time that I wrote to you. Alex and I did have a FANTASTIC trip. We are good travaelers and if one of us gets anxious, the other remains calm so no worries.

Santorini was mind-boggling beautiful. It was just so different from any other place I had ever been. All of the dwellings along the rim of the caldera are connected you don't know where one stops or where another begins. They are all white with brightly colored trim. We drove (actually Alex did the driving) to a small fishing village and had dinner. Also climbed the 365 stairs to the top where all the shops are -- so charming and connected with these small paths....If you see any Cycladic island, make this one your choice.

David is all moved upstairs and happy as a clam on the third floor. Parice is coming tomorrow (Saturday) for the marathon and will spend a few nights here in David's old room so I have been working really hard on that.

Sam is getting settled in at Chicago. Dad will go and visit him next weekend and hopefully I will have received his new cell phone by then and Dad can bring it out to Sam. I don't think Sam misses us, but I do think he misses his friends!

All the book group members want your blogsite so I will send that out today.

One final piece of news -- Jeff lost his job -- that small printing company was losing money (seems like printing will soon become obsolete). I know it is unpleasant for him but with my foot surgery coming up in a couple of weeks, it couldn't be better timing for me!

I am sooo proud of you and your grades. Glad you get internet on Lesvos. Hope you are feeling better and haven't gotten sick again. Have the assignements on the dig gotten any more interesting? Aren't you on Lesvos for a month and then back to Athens? What new ideas do you have for your free travel???

Gotta run. Pick up David and get some laundry done. I love you and it was so wonderful to see you and meet all your fabulous friends. Alex and I really enjoyed our time there in Athens with you