Monday, September 3

a now a word from our correspondent in Athens, Greece

hi *waves*

i am alive and fine in Athens!!!! sorry there has been no communication since i left on Thursday, but i can't call out on my phone without incurring huge charges and i have only had access to the Internet as of yesterday with not much time available to utilize it.

my first day in Greece was awful. we finally landed after almost 24 hours of travel and found our luggage without too much trouble after hearing many skeptical comments about our bags actually arriving in Greece with us. After hailing a taxi to the Kugler's (our professor from L&C) Carolyn and I found out where we lived and who we lived with. Then came the long, hot walk to our apartment. Normally the walk isn't that bad. However, we had to drag our bags up hill about 12 blocks in the worst heat of the day. Upon arrival we promptly sat our selves down, gulped down water, and didn't move for a half an hour. Then we tried and failed to unpack and instead turned up the air conditioning and fell asleep for an hour. I then woke up and was sick, but had to force myself to get ready to walk to CYA (College Year in Athens). When we returned home we fell asleep.

Over the next couple of days everyone arrived and settled into their apartments. Hopefully I'll put pictures of mine up here soon, i.e. whenever I feel like bringing my computer down to CYA so I can get wireless Internet access.

As it stands, I'm having a blast. I've been making dinner for me and the other residents of my apartment almost every night and tonight we're going out for our first Greek meal.

Yesterday signaled the start of our school year. I have Art and Archeology from 8:30-12:00 and Religion and Power: Byzantine History 2:00-5:00 Monday through Friday. Our teachers are very funny with quirky senses of humor and a lot of enthusiasm for their respective areas of expertise. It looks like this month is going to be jam packed but immensely entertaining.

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