Wednesday, September 12

a semester's worth of two classes within a month

arg. I am kinda burned out from my classes.

I have Art and Archaeology from 8:30AM - 12:00PM and then Power and Religion: History of the Byzantine Empire from 2:00PM - 5:00PM, with lunch somewhere inbetween. Although neither on of these classes are particularly hard it's the time spent walking to and from the school as well as the time spent in transit to the many museums and sites within the city on top of all the reading assigned, making our own food, studying for our midterm and writing and researching for our papers.

By the way, our midterm exam is on Monday and our paper due a week after that. Then there are two more papers due when we get back from Lesbos... the question is: how do we write these papers while we're in Lesbos with no computers, internet access, or library access? ... I have no idea either.

The worst part about the classes is that they are supposed to be air conditioned- but I don't feel a thing. It's too hot here.

Niccola Wardle teches Art and Archaeology. She is a portly English woman with a quirky sense of humor, often delighting in the most random of archaelogical finds, in which she credits its creation for the amusement of children (toys or dollhouses). Not surprising seeing as she has two small children, five and 16 months. I was in her group for the taverna dinner and found myself laughing for the majority of the evening. Her eldest is going to be trouble, especially because Niccola keeps positively reinforcing her for interrupting lectures at the museum, often stopping to pick her up or give her something to play with. She was married to an Arab muslim and is recently divorced because of his midlife crisis of faith. Her parents and god-mother are all prominent archaeologists themselves and she was raised on digs (often bored out of her skull).

John Karavas is a completely different story. A greek man schooled at Oxford in England, his accent is very difficult to place. He specialized in knowledge of the Early Roman Emprie's Army, but is teaching Byzantine history- no idea why. He is very good looking, but insecure I think as shown by his nervous pacing before evey class. According to the gossip around here he's either recently divorced (again) or recently married. Probably divorced since there is no ring on his finger nor any tan line suggesting one. He wears tight pants and shirts, smoke cigarettes and is damn sexy. A few days ago he came back form the weekned with a couple of days worth of facial hair- the joke has been he was either coming down from a heroin high or was binge drinking and bar hopping all weekend. He finally shaved yesterday. He looks much better clean shaven.

Funny thing is the Kugler also shaved off his beard. I don't really know what to make of him without the beard...

**EDIT*** It turns out Karavas is married (he takes off his ring before class- odd) and his wife was out of town this past weekend so he was out having fun. Apparently she got two days ago and now he's in the dog house. ***END EDIT***


Unknown said...

Henry say, "Hi Maddie. It sounds like you're keeping busy learning new things and admiring your HOT teacher. I don't have any teachers yet so I don't really understand what you're talking about. News on the Morgan Ave. homefront: I'm getting my first haircut/trim tomorrow. I went to the doctor for my 15 month check-up: I am now 29 inches tall and weigh 18.7 pounds. The doctor says I am petit but charming".

alex Boies said...

My God Mattie - you can really write! Very cool! I'm enjoying reading your comments. Clearly you're not going to fail because you're smarter than Hairy's droppings! And, he has some pearls. No kidding, I've looked them over with a toothpick.

It'll be good to see you next week. I'm going to paint eyeballs on my eyelids, and let you tell me everything while I play ketchup with a few zzzzz's.

Ha ha... I'm taller than Henry! But his weight is much better than mine.

Have a wonderful day kiddo and be a sponge and absorb everything. I want to learn all!

xo, alex