Thursday, September 27

and i'm back

sorry for the prolonged period of absence. however, i was productive during my absence. I finished the paper that had been looming aver my head for the past week. and i got my grade back from my midterm-- an A- thank you very much.

mom and alex were here this weekend and they took me and my friends out for two meals and we had a bunch of fun. they even brought me presents. i got a couple of things that i asked mom to bring me, a few movies, a pair of shorts, a shirt, messenger bag, and then she gave me a new dragon charm ( i am a sucker for a dragon). Alex gave me a copy of a cycladic figuring. a very cool gift even for re-gifting.

I was sick yesterday for no particular reason. i tried to get up and go to class but i just couldn't another girl, Consuello, is sick today. something must be going around. i hope no one else gets sick.

finals are tomorrow, which just blows my mind. and i hate it when teachers teach up until the day of the final with no time to go over things, review, or answer questions except in her office. and then not everyone gets the same information, arg- it makes me mad.

after finishing finals i have to go buy a pair of sandals and then pack for lesbos b/c WE LEAVE TOMORROW! but, i don't know what my Internet situation is going to be on lesbos so calling me is going to be the best way to keep in contact. (see contact info link on the right for the number)

hopefully, there'll be some sort of Internet in lesbos, however if there isn't- FEAR NOT- for i shall take many pictures.

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