Thursday, November 29

turkey day, "Kasandrama", & the END OF CLASSES!

so, thanksgiving was last week and just now i get to write about it. there were a total of 15 Lewis & Clark students and 2 natives. i really wanted it to be all 23 of us but some people just did not want to deal with a big group or cook for a big group- understandable but selfish i thought. beside all it did was add extra stress onto an already stressful time. anyways, i went shopping with Helana the night before and dropped off all the groceries (90Euro) at the boys' apartment because it's the biggest out of the four apartments. the next morning i got up and ate early so i could get the turkeys (yes, plural) into the oven. i found out the hard way that only one of the turkeys would fin into the oven so i had to run back down to my apartment and tell the girls there how to cook it and then run back up to the boys house and start cooking the rest of the meal.

my menu looked like this:
stuffing with apple, currants, walnuts, and raisins
garlic mash potatoes (skin on)
pan fried sweet potatoes with brown sugar
2 turkeys
green beans almondine
green bean casserole
mushroom gravy

and then everyone had to contribute a dish for dinner. we got:
mac & cheese
cheesy broccoli
3 apple pies
cherry pie
cream cheese stuffed dates
hard cider
rice pudding
lots of wine

it really was an amazing night. it kinda helped that i had been pre-gaming it since about noon (the cider was really good). Maria (one of the two greeks) brought me more cooking utensils since the ones provided to us are... crap. i don't know if anyone could actually survive with just these utensils. some of the girls had come over earlier that day and set up the table (or four desk pushed into one long table) and placed some very nice decorations including candles and branches and open napkins in fall style on the table creating a lovely center piece. the dinner itself was very good. everyone's dishes were great and everyone loved my food and said thank you so many times. after dinner i kinda passed out (slept) in my friend's bed for a half and hour then i got back up and ate dessert and then we headed out to see Prometheus Bound... in greek. it was actully quite good despite the fact that we didn't understand any of it. the chorus was truly amazing. the only thing i didn't like was when Prometheus, who is supposed to be bound in the very first scene, got up and walked around his little platform. then i came home and finished my paper for Karavas on the various date that could signal the beginning of the Byzantine Empire. w00t. two papers done now. now just 20ish pages left to write (3 papers for two classes).

we had our debut and final performance of "Kasandrama" tonight. only about 20 people showed up in a room big enough for at least 60. oh well, i really don't care. that means less people saw my horrible acting. however, the people who showed up really seemed to enjoy the performance.

this also signifies THE END OF CLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all i have to do is write three papers.... damn it.


Anonymous said...

Maddie -- It looks like you will be taking over thanksgivine! It is fun to do it for the first time. I remember I did it with friends just after graduating from college. My parents had gone to Papua New Guinea and it was a very satisfying experience. I only cooked a mini-meal on Saturday, just so we could have leftovers and soup.

Becky is in town for a wedding and Charlie spent the night here last night with David. It did snow significantly yesterday -- maybe 4 to 5 inches and it all looks so beautiful. Last night it wasn't even cold -- about 20 and that's when I should have shovelled.

Hard to believe Sam comes home this Friday. I have accepted some extra meetings but am trying to hold it back because I had 11 during Thanksgiving week and it seemed just too busy.

I made a gift for Sophie yesterday and have done some shopping and wrapping, but it's never enough...

David helped me with tree tips and wreaths last weekend and today I'm going to see if he will help me set up the santa claus collection

So glad you are done with classes. Wish you didn't have to write more papers. When do you and Carolyn leave for your travels?

Only 21 more days and you'll be home. Then we will probably fight like cats and dogs, but it sure has been a sweet relationship since you've been gone! Really, I can't wait to have you home again. Hang in there and I think of you all the time.

Love you honey,

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