Wednesday, August 29

a welcome and reasons to stall

this blog is for my friend to keep in contact with me. and if you're feeling adventurous, please you the link to the right called "a more in-depth way to keep in touch". this link will take you to the primary site that i check that is much more detail and very cool.

as i write, i am procrastinating. i am not packing up my giant suitcase with jeans, shirts, socks and other miscellaneous items. no, instead, i am sitting on my bed wondering what the hell i've gotten myself into... and if i made the right decisions to apply to this program; i have a sinking feeling that i've bitten off more than i can chew.


Clariece said...

Have no doubts, my comrade in arms. Together we shall conquer all that lies ahead. We shall sweep through hallowed Hellas in a brutal wave of awesomeness, and leave the whole country feeling like they need one hell of a cigarette.

Unknown said...

Dear Maddie,
You'll be fine. Just do what I do-smile and wave at people and they'll smile and wave back! Love,

Anonymous said...

Maddie, it is 9Am Thurs and you are off on your terrific experience. The blog is great and will looking forward to reading all you are doing.. I can't sign Grams. Love, CAStarr32

Carol said...

Maddie- Iam so excited for you and think this blog is a fantastic idea. I hope you love every minute of this Greek experience. I see your doubts were fleeting and have already been dispelled and know you will enjoy your fantastic adventure! You go girl!! Love, Aunt Carol